How many quacks till Christmas? by Mark Sperring

Ill. by Ed Eaves. Bloomsbury, 2017. ISBN 9781408871089
(Age: 2-5) Themes: Farm animals, Christmas. There is an air of
excitement at Merry Farm; garlands of wheat, shiny baubles and
strings of colourful lights decorate the farmyard. The excited farm
animals are wearing Christmas scarves, Santa hats and bright red and
green collars, all anticipating the coming holiday. Each of the
young creatures question their parents with oinks, moos, neighs and
cheeps. They want to know how many days until Christmas. The little
piglets squeal with glee and question their mamma splashing in a
muddy puddle, 'how many oinks till Christmas?' We follow the black
and white puppy as he races around the farm yard, skipping with the
lambs, then riding on the Christmas tree cart pulled by the mare as
her foals ask 'how many neighs till Christmas?' Merry Farm is a buzz
of holiday preparation, from the barn, to the fields to the
Mark Sperring's cheery rhyme is fun to share with a preschool or
kindergarten class and just right to share as a family. Children can
respond and guess the animal sounds, the rhyming words and the
animal actions. Illustrator Ed Eaves brings Merry Farm to life with
bold colours and familiar farm animals preparing for Christmas in a
bright snowy setting. This exciting story provides an amusing and
engaging countdown to Christmas.
Rhyllis Bignell