How Cool are Your Parents? (or not) by Francoize Boucher

A&C Black, 2014. ISBN: 9781472904720.
Recommended for 9-11 year olds and any teenager who needs a reality
check about their parents, or parents who need to laugh a little at
their life.
What parent would not want their child to read this book! Not only
is it easy to read, the colours are bright and eye catching and the
cartoon like illustrations highly entertaining, it is an affirmation
of all things that make parents, well parents. And as every parent
knows, they are cool, (I do have to declare some vested interest
here). It's their kids that need reminding.
From reassuring the reader that all parents are pretty similar the
message is to listen to them and seek their advice because they
offer love unconditionally and are doing everything they can to
bring you up properly. Their good points, the things they do for no
return, love, accommodation, food, taxi and banking services, are
extolled in glorious fluro colours. Poor old Santa is seen as a
conman and couch potato for his one day a year input.
The bad news is also revealed. Super-Perfect parents don't exist.
However the reasons for their annoying habits, for example the
insistence on good manners, cleanliness, healthy eating and getting
a good night's sleep are all given space with illustrated examples
of a likely alternative outcome. The terrible parent diseases of
Severe Anti-trustitis and Fedupwithbeingadultitis are explored in
The suggestions on how to make parent, child relationships better
are worth taking, however presents on Mother's and Father's Days made
of pasta was a step too far for this parent.
What an engaging and fun way for all ages to explore the important
relationships between children and parents and promote some
understanding and appreciation of the hard work parenting can be.
Sue Keane