Hotel Flamingo by Alex Milway

Piccadilly Press, 2019. ISBN: 9781848127753.
(Age: 6-8) Recommended. Themes: Girls, Animals, Hotels - maintenance
and repairs. When Anna inherits the Hotel Flamingo on Animal
Boulevard from her great aunt Mathilde she's in for a big shock.
Dirty, dusty, with peeling walls, cracked windows and a broken
revolving door and only two staff members left, the hotel has fallen
on hard times. Anna is a determined girl and with the help of T.
Bear the doorman (bear) and Mr Lemmy the lemur who manages the front
desk, they start the mammoth task of fixing it.
'All this hotel needs is a little bit of love, and an awful lot of
cleaning,' says Anna. With a little help from Mrs Turpington the
turtle's three years in back rent, (she'd been hibernating in her
room all that time), they are able to hire staff. Stella the giraffe
is handy at maintenance, and fixes the revolving door in no time at
all. Madame Le Pig takes over as hotel chef, a little fazed by the
unusual diets of the animal guests.
Anna's ideas for revamping the hotel are wonderful; Stella paints
the facade a beautiful shade of sea blue and all the staff help to
make the hotel a bright and inviting place to stay. When a family of
sea otters move out of the swimming pool pipes, Anna offers them
free board in return for pool maintenance and life guard duties. Ms
Fragranti's dancing flamingo troupe provides special entertainment
for the guests on the special opening night. Even with a visit by
the undercover hotel inspector, Anna and her team rise to the
Alex Milway's Hotel Flamingo is a gorgeous early chapter
book, filled with delightful animal characters and fun cartoon
illustrations. It celebrates teamwork, determination, creativity and
accepting others - even cockroaches! Just right for a young reader
beginning their novel reading journey. Read aloud to a class of Year
1- Year 3s and encourage them to write additional chapters, create
and draw new characters and have fun with Milway's story. There are
three more novels to come. What's next for Anna and her animal
Rhyllis Bignell