Hotdog: Camping time by Anh Do

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Ill. by Dan McGuiness. Hotdog! : Book 5. Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781742993768
(Age: 7+) Recommended. Themes: Humour. Camping. Animals. Fans will be hooting with laughter as Hotdog, Lizzie and Kev return in their fifth adventure, this time on a camping trip. On a trip to Rainbow Island to visit Kev's mum who is a vet, the trio decide to go camping to get a good view of the island and for Kev to work out if he would like to stay with his mum.
The trio have great fun, wood-chopping, making campfires, kayaking and swimming. Along the way they learn new skills, each discovering that they are really good at some things and not so good at others. However as a team they combine all their skills to help others and to get out of danger.
The jokes come thick and fast and will really appeal to the young audience. Each page has limited text; some words are highlighted in blue and it is just right for the newly emerging independent reader, who will be supported by the very humorous illustrations by Dan McGuiness. The book is divided into eight chapters and this will be appealing to readers just moving from picture books.
The friendship between the three animals is great and the teamwork and resilience of the group will be an inspiration for readers. Readers new to the series will be able to easily pick up the characteristics of Hotdog, Lizzie and Kev and will want to find others in the series.
Pat Pledger