Hotaka by John Heffernan

Through my eyes: Disaster zone series. Allen and Unwin, 2017.
ISBN 9781760113766
(Age: 11+) Highly recommended. Tsunami. Japan. Hope. Friendship.
Grief and loss. Corruption. This is a story of disaster and hope
seen through the eyes of the young boy, Hotaka. In March 2011 a
massive earthquake generates a devastating tsunami that destroys
major coastline districts in Japan. John Heffernan places us with
Hotaka to experience this horrific natural disaster with huge
impacts; we feel the horror of the shaking ground and see the ocean
wave claim huge sections of Hotaka's home community. With
indiscriminate fury and unbelievable power this wave consumes
buildings and local residents who have no hope against the ferocity
of the tsunami's energy. The dramatic retelling of this part of
Japan's history has incredible loss and trauma woven into the life
and experience of Hotaka, but we also see the impact in his
community of the incredible grief, greed and sense of loss that
follows in the recovery period. However the central thrust of this
story is that there is also incredible strength revealed in the
survivors. The Japanese respectful response to those in authority,
traditional Bunraku puppetry, Kendo martial arts and traditional
Shaman and Buddhist beliefs are also revealed within the context of
the story.
The essence of this story is of the power of the youthful voices
that speak out against corruption, and also give hope back to their
community through the planning of a festival event that will restore
a positive spirit to their lives. This is a compelling narrative and
revealing of the Japanese people's journey following this enormous
disaster and their capacity to recover. It is also a story of
friendship and restoration in the lives of individuals.
(Note: Although the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant destruction is
part of the story of Hotaka's friend, it does not become the prime
focus of this story.)
Carolyn Hull