Horses wild and tame by Iris Volant and Jarom Vogel

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Flying Eye Books, 2018. ISBN 9781911171324
(Age: 7+) Recommended. Horses are of endless fascination to many people and this book will satisfy both children and adults who are very familiar with them as well as those who seek information about them.
The contents page is comprehensive and the reader can read from the beginning of the book starting with the Introduction and What is a horse right through Horse gaits, Wild horse, Legendary horse and many more finally coming to Horse care and the Index. Those who are interested in specific topics can also peruse horse topics that might interest them, e.g. the impact that the story Black Beauty had in its time or Sports horses in the Modern Olympics.
Rich illustrations in deep greens, mellow browns and vivid blues stand out and complement the text that is concise and interesting to read and could be managed by an independent reader. It is also a book that is good to flick through - the beautiful colours and drawings draw the eye, and the reader just has to stop and read. I was fascinated by the legendary horse Pegasus and the drawings of war horses made me stop to read about them.
This would be a very worthwhile addition to any library or classroom.
Pat Pledger