Horrible Harriet's inheritance by Leigh Hobbs

Allen and Unwin, 2012. ISBN 9781741149852.
148 Pages
Ages: 7-11 Recommended. Horrible Harriet is back in all her
narcissistic glory and this time in a novel written in her very own
words. Her self-absorbed thoughts are met by the reader with
jaw-dropping horror and laughter at the ridiculousness of it all.
The scene for the story is set with a word of warning by H.H's lowly
assistant Leigh Hobbs and an introduction by Miss Horrible Harriet
herself complete with a sample of her insightful poetry.
School holidays has arrived and Horrible Harriet is busy working on
a brilliant poem in her tower room when she is rudely interrupted by
Fred the postman nervously knocking at the front door. Harriet is
not hugely surprised to discover in a letter addressed to 'Her Royal
Highness Miss Horrible Harriet' that she may well be a long lost
member of the royal family. The only catch is that in order to claim
her inheritance (including a stately home on the coast) she needs to
fill in the missing names of her royal ancestors on her family tree.
Thinking the obvious place to start looking for clues would be her
photo album Harriet recounts her happy childhood in words and
pictures with hilarity provided through the disparate illustrations
and captions. Finding no success in this venture Harriet recalls a
similarly humorous class trip to the museum in which she felt very
at home with the royals who strangely enough all resembled her. If
this is not proof enough the next day a chest arrives filled with
yet more evidence.
So Horrible Harriet sets about proving her obvious royalty to the
Palace, preparing the school for her unfortunate departure (the
teachers in the cellar were working on her holiday homework and
needed to be fed after all) and journeys to her stately home on the
coast. Leigh Hobbs is a master at making each and every page
deliciously inviting to the eye with each page filled with
illustrations, interesting fonts and textures and a writing style
which can't help but put a smile on a readers face. The section of
the book which details Harriet's ideas of what her royal life will
be like is hilarious in its self-importance as is her annotations of
the photos of her royal ancestors. Mr Chicken fans will be delighted
that he also makes a cameo performance.
Nicole Smith-Forrest