Hope: the everyday and imaginary life of young people on the margins by Simon Robb et al.

Wakefield Press, Adelaide; 2010.
This publication came about as a result of a University of Adelaide
Research Project from 2006-8 titled Doing Social Sustainability:
utopian image of youth on the margins in schools.
The material was collected using a variety of methodologies including
visual anthropology. Photo-elicitation was used with subjects
being given disposable cameras to record aspects of their life, so the
book has many photographs and drawings.
The book is roughly divided into three sections, with the young people
telling their stories, then teachers working in their schools give
their opinions, and finally the four researchers give summaries from
their viewpoints.
The preface talks about the complexities of hope and states 'some of
this material might confront the reader, assault our gentle
sensibilities '. The young people certainly do that with
statements such as 'I don't trust anyone,' 'I don't reckon the world is
going to be around much longer,' and 'when I think about hope I think
about dope plants.' However there are alternate
views expressed, such as 'hope is a new beginning' and 'I want a home
and an everyday life like you see in an f--- movie.'
Teachers talk of the difficulty of educating in schools in poorer
socio-economic areas, with one saying; 'You had a persona that you've
had for 20 odd years, and you've got to drop it because it doesn't work
here and it's very confronting.' The importance of relationships
for young people is a constant and the hopefulness of teaching is based
around 'relationships of openness, friendship and caring.'
This would be a useful book for new teachers to read, so as to have
some understanding of what the world looks like to students growing up
on the margins of society. The book or even just chapters
of it could also be used in personal development lessons with older
secondary students.
Kay Haarsma