Hop, skip and jump, Maisy! by Lucy Cousins

Walker, 2012. ISBN: 9781406333725.
Maisy's day is full of activity as she bends, stretches, hops,
jumps, chases, races and kicks a ball. Her healthy lunch looks
delicious and builds here energy before an afternoon of
skateboarding, leapfrogging, skipping, balancing and somersaulting.
No wonder she is ready for bed at night!
Each of the Maisy books is an enchanting offering, filled with
illustrations of a much stylised mouse taking part in all of the
activities any young child would enjoy. This is a special offering
for other reasons as well. This hardcover book contains tabs to pull
and cogs to turn, giving the effect of movement and activity. Is
addition, the left hand side of most pages is devoted to providing a
question for the reader. It asks which animals are capable of moving
in the same manner as Maisy is demonstrating throughout the story.
Hence, it fits the series 'A Maisy First Science Book.'
This title would support Junior Primary or pre-school units of work
with a focus on not just animals and how they move but also on
activity and healthy eating.
Jo Schenkel