Home of the cuckoo clock by Robert Favretto

Ill. by David Eustace. Ford Street, 2016. ISBN 9781925272253 (hbk).
ISBN 9781925272260 (pbk)
Deep in the Black Forest nestles the village of Schoenwald, frozen
in time - but a somewhat chaotic time for there were no clocks and
people did things when they felt like it (or remembered) rather than
according to hands making a particular pattern on a numbered face.
One day a weary cuckoo lands in a pine tree and is dismayed to see
the disorder and disarray in the village and so the next morning,
and every morning after that, this natural time-keeper for Nature
sang out. What a difference this regular greeting made. Until one
night a huge storm brought the cuckoo's pine tree crashing down and
the cuckoo was blown off the mountain and way down into the valley.
Superbly illustrated in a calm palette and with intricate detail
(including a hidden egg on each page) that draws the reader into this
isolated village in a beautiful part of the world, this is a perfect
story for introducing children to the concept of time and the need
to have some order and continuity in our lives. Little ones will
have lots of fun imagining what would happen at home or school if
everyone could do what they liked when they liked and I can imagine
two contrasting murals being created with each child contributing a
vignette. Having explored the world of no-time, they could then be
introduced to the vocabulary of time - before, after, during, now,
then, soon, morning, afternoon, evening, night, dusk, dawn, first,
next, last - and the skills of sequencing. Those wanting greater
challenges could explore how and why the day is divided into the
chunks it is; time zones; time pieces; what they can achieve in a
given period of time. Time is the most abstract concept to teach but
it is the one that is most prevalent in our lives. To have such a
unique story and such stunning illustrations to kickstart its
investigation is such a gift.
Students could also have lots of fun enacting a storm (complete with
sound effects) so fierce that the cuckoo was blown away as well as
predicting what will happen to the village. How could the problem be
solved? what role might Franz, the village craftsmen have in that?
The call
of the cuckoo might be unfamiliar to some so they could listen to it
and discuss why it might be preferable to that of a rooster as a
wake-up sound. This could lead
into an investigation of familiar bird calls or the reasons behind
the 'dawn chorus' as well as setting up a bird-watching station and
identifying the common and seasonal birds which visit the school
playground. And of course, there is always the old favourite round,
shady thicket. Maths, science, history, music and English
outcomes could all be explored in this one title.
Further teaching
notes are available.
Barbara Braxton