Holiday of a Lifetime by Megan de Kantzow

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Omnibus Books, 2013. ISBN 9781862919983.
(Age: 11+) Highly recommended. The idea of travelling around Europe, with your family, may sound amazing to you but Anna is stressed. Anna believes in being prepared for any disaster and being 1000's of kilometres from home has so many disaster possibilities! Anna's family is off on a trip of a lifetime. They visit Paris, London, Venice and Finland, exploring historical landmarks, meeting new friends and allowing their mother to revisit her love of art.
Anna's desire to be ready for any disaster helps her save her brother and sister and her whole family look at her with a new light, even Anna is happy to try new things.
Holiday of a Lifetime is an easy to read novel, highly recommended for girls aged 11+. It is set out like a diary and Anna records her thoughts, fears and adventures. The historical links would make it an interesting guided reading novel or even a class novel with its Geography and English links.
Kylie Kempster