Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride

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Penguin Books, 2010. ISBN 9780143204961.
Meet Sam, just your average guy rocking the fast-food career. Meet Douglas, not just your average guy, but a powerful and violent necromancer, who immediately recognises the threat Sam poses.
When one Sam's friends dies and comes back as a head, Sam's life will never be the same. Jumping into the-world-of-the-dead, Sam finds a hidden family blood-trait that will change the way he looks at them forever. With the help of his new-found talent, Sam will have to battle it out to a world shaking end.
Aimed at teenage readers, this supernatural fantasy book is likely to set the imagination into overdrive. Set in a first person text it will leave you wanting more. Lish McBride has left the window open for a sequel, fingers and toes crossed, because Hold Me Closer, Necromancer is spilling over the edge with action and deserves a follow-up.
Zoe Pfeiffer (aged 14)