Hit the road by Tony Wilson and Troy, Adam, Joel, Scott Selwood

Ill. by Mike Jacobsen. The Selwood Boys series. ABC Books,
2017. ISBN 9780733335471
(Age: 8+) Recommended. School holidays, December 1997 and the
Selwood family are off to the Gold Coast in their Falcon six-seater.
Four football mad brothers and a very patient Mum and Dad set out
from Bendigo for a very long car trip to Queensland. What did kids
do before mobile phones, IPods and digital entertainment? The
brothers played corners, sliding along the bench seats and squashing
each other and long games of spot the yellow vehicle - Banana Car.
Sibling rivalry and ribbing each other is all part of the Selwood
family dynamic. Of course, they discuss Joel's uncanny abilities as
a great sportsman, bowling, football; he's good at them all. Troy,
Adam and Scott decide they find their brother's one weakness like
Batman's kryptonite.
With stops along the way for food, footy and photo opportunities and
a supposed sighting of Billy Brownless the Cats player, their road
trip is exciting. The Selwood's have a great family spirit, they
love to laugh and have fun. They see the humour when Dad's foam
boogie boards fall apart on their first attempt at surfing, and when
they try to outdo each other at the all you can eat Chinese
restaurant. There is time for footy at the nearby park, playing
against the tough NRL young guys and Joel seems to excel at
everything. The rollercoaster at SeaWorld finally proves to be his
Tony Wilson has captured a slice of family life in the late
nineties; his humorous style of writing highlights the brother's
sporting skills and personalities. The Selwood Boys books
are great novels to share with a Middle Primary class, as we
participate in and can enjoy both Women's and Men's AFL
Rhyllis Bignell