Hermione Anemone and the enormous storm by Ciara Molloy Tan

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Ill. by Michaela Blassnig. Lothian Children's Books, 2014, ISBN 9780734415479.
(Age: Pre-school) The underwater adventure begins with Hermione sitting alone in her rock pool and the reader has the sense that she is lonely. A sudden storm begins as a frightening experience for her as she observes people scattering and realises that her little pool is about to take a battering. However what occurs opens up a new world of friendship and fun and mussels, clams, seahorses and a wide variety of sea creatures are delivered to the pool by the storm. The end result is a fun filled party where Hermione discovers the joy of making and having friends.
The rhyme and rhythm of the story lends itself to reading aloud and the use of unusual words like 'kerfuffle' enriches the language. Michaela Blassnig's illustrations, which are strong and full of colour, add to the sense of fun and adventure. This book will be enjoyed by pre-school children.
Karen Mutton