Hating Alison Ashley by Robin Klein

Penguin (Australia), 2013. (First published in 1994). ISBN:
Highly recommended. Robin Klein's novel Hating Alison Ashley
is a fun contemporary classic aimed at younger readers but enjoyable
for all. Using short concise sentences the author weaves a
believable story for the reader of hope and jealousy. Only nineteen
years since its first publication, this novel has achieved classic
Erica Yurken, the school hypochondriac, is ashamed of her pitiful
excuse for a family and her town's reputation for producing dole
bludgers and criminals; a vain middle child, Erica (also known as
Yuk) becomes jealous when new girl, Alison Ashley starts at Barringa
East. Alison is perfect. More perfect even than Yuk herself. What's
more everyone knows it. Yuk is no longer the centre of attention, no
longer the star student or cleverest kid in school. She decides to
hate Alison Ashley for being perfect and rich. Alison is lucky, she
has everything: the big house, the nice manners and even money for
school trips. She is posh and sophisticated and a threat to Yuk's
self esteem. However it is only at school camp that Yuk learns that
money isn't everything. Alison isn't as lucky as her appearance
suggests, she has a mother who doesn't want her and no squabbling
family or friends to play with. Yuk begins to recognise the value of
family life and realises that Alison may not be as snobbish as Yuk
had first thought.
Using a simple story and incorporating the trials and problems of
children the author creates believable and relatable characters,
while reminding the reader of the mischievousness of youth. I would
highly recommend this novel for all readers as it makes a nice
change from the grim, serious-faced novels of today.
Kayla Gaskell (Student)