Happily ever after: Little Red Riding Hood ill. by Celeste Hulme

New Frontier Publishing, 2016. ISBN 9781925059564
(Ages: 4-8) This is exactly what it says: a version of Little
Red Riding Hood that ends happily! The story begins the same
way as in most versions of the story, with Little Red Riding Hood
setting out across the woods to take her sick grandmother a tasty
treat. 'Don't talk to strangers' her mother warns. The illustration
on this page shows a clever bird's eye view of the long path to
Grandma's house, which winds past the wolf's lair. The potential for
talking to young children about stranger danger is made clear as
Little Red Riding Hood disregards her mother's advice, not only
talking to the wolf, but giving him directions to her grandmother's
house. 'I will run fast through the woods and meet you there. I
would like to see if your grandma is feeling better' says the wolf.
A bird's eye view is used again, showing the wolf's shadow looming
large over tiny Grandma huddled in her bed. The iconic scene where
the wolf pretends to be Grandma goes just as expected but Little Red
Riding Hood somehow manages to open the cupboard door, releasing
Grandma and the avalanche of things in the cupboard! The wolf looks
injured and the reader is told he is never seen again. There are
some large passages of text and the ending seems a little peculiar,
but the language is relatively simple and the story flows well,
making it an appealing version of a traditional tale, especially for
children who are more sensitive.
Nicole Nelson