Halo by Zizou Corder

Puffin, 2010.
(Age: 10+). Recommended. (Age 10-14) Highly recommended. Kyllarus, a
centaur, finds a tiny baby with a turtle shell strapped to her back
crawling along a beach. The baby has a tattoo on her forehead and is
wearing an owl amulet. He takes her home to his family, who name her
Halosydne, 'saved by the sea', and lovingly bring her up as a family
member. Disaster strikes when she is swimming with her centaur brother,
Arko. She is captured by fishermen and sold into slavery. She manages
to escape and tries to survive by cutting her hair and pretending to a
boy. However more misfortune befalls her and she is captured by a group
of Spartan boys, led by Leonidas. After a series of exciting
adventures, including going to see the Delphic Oracle, living in Athens
in Pericles' house and training to be a doctor and warrior, she
discovers the truth of her origins.
An exciting adventure story, with lots of action, the setting in
Ancient Greece makes this book stand out. I was gripped by the
descriptions of the Spartan community and the terrible trials the young
boys went through to become warriors. Greek religious beliefs were
described in an easy to understand way and Halo's trip to consult the
Delphic Oracle was fascinating. When Halo discovers that her uncle is
Pericles, who believes in the rights of man, I was fascinated by the
descriptions of medicine in Ancient Greece and the way that women were
Corder, a mother and daughter writing team, managed to remind me of
what I learnt studying Ancient History many years ago. Halo is sure to
educate a young reader about ancient Greece in the best way - the
reader may become so immersed in Halo's quest that the factual
information just becomes part of the story and easy to remember.
I loved the themes of mythical centaurs, slavery and the rights of
women. Recommended for both boys and girls from about 10 year of age.
Pat Pledger