Half wild by Sally Green

Penguin, 2015. ISBN 9780141350882
(Age: Older teens) Half wild by Sally Green is the next
instalment in the exciting and enthralling story of Nathan Byrn, a
half code, half White Witch and half Black Witch, and his continuous
flight from the White Witch Council's Hunters who are out to capture
him and any other Black Witch they come across. As Nathan continues
to traverse the countryside, living off the land and being close to
nature, he carries out his search to find his one friend, Gabriel,
to assist him in breaking a curse and waking his childhood
sweetheart, Annalise. But not only has Nathan's love life gotten
more complicated, but so have both his relationships with his father
and the internal relationship Nathan has with his gift. With an
abundance of new allies, enemies and in-between, it's time to see
how much of his life Nathan can really control and if he can really
make a difference in the world of witches, will he risk what he has
already for the good of others?
Half wild is a fantastic novel that places the reader in a
front row seat to the theatre of Nathan Byrn's mind and actions. The
characters in Half wild are all individual and relatable in
various ways as moral decisions are put on the table and are
discussed with emotion throughout the storyline. This novel is
suited for an older teenage audience as it can be quite graphic with
themes of violence and gore. Half wild contains many other
themes as well including action, adventure, fantasy and survival.
In conclusion, the journey of Nathan Byrn in the novel Half wild
is one many readers of action and fantasy themes would find
appealing and would be anxious and waiting for the third book in the
series to be released.
Sarah Filkin