Grumpy little king by Michel Streich

Allen and Unwin, 2011. ISBN 9781 74237 572 4.
(Ages 7+) Recommended. Picture book. When the little king is bored,
he becomes grumpier than usual. He tries golf, walking the dog,
buying clothes, going for a drive, but nothing satisfies him. When
his advisors ask him why he is grumpy, he tells them that it is
because he is a little king in charge of a little nation. The
advisors advise to make war upon another nation, and in that way he
would become a big nation and world famous. So he takes their
advice, calls for the general to make plans, declares war on his
cousin in the next country and waits. Meanwhile, a great deal of
money is spent arming the nation - soldiers are trained and
ceremonies put into place to thrill the populace.
But once war is happening, the soldiers ask why their king is
nowhere to be seen, and on scouring the nation, both sides find
their kings a long way behind the fighting. The two are dragged to
the front, where they refuse to fight each other, and so the
soldiers disperse and go home. Once back in his palace, the little
king is grumpy all over again, but this time, nobody cares.
A delightful book extolling the virtues of peace and understanding,
of making love not war, of not following the machinations of those
in power who are only out to engrandise themselves, this funny book
should be read and reread by all politicians, every night. It is a
marvellously funny book to read aloud to a class, to use as an
introduction to a unit on war and peace, to have in the classroom at
all times, to have when talking to students about fighting and
bullying. It would be a wonderful companion to The duck in the
gun by Joy Crowley, reprinted in 2009, 25 years after its
first appearance.
Fran Knight