Grug and the Circus by Ted Prior

Simon and Schuster, 2010. ISBN: 978 0731814343
Grug learns to read by Ted Prior
Simon and Schuster, 2010. ISBN: 978 0731814473
Ted Prior's new offerings in the Grug series are simple stories
reflecting the day to day existence of the young reader. In the first
title, Grug spies a circus tent which inspires him to immerse himself
in a game of make believe and he develops acts for his own circus. Very
few children have not, at some stage, 'put on a show' for their parents
and this story simply serves to illustrate the idea. The second title
outlines the way in which Grug first visits his local library to
borrow books and then teaches himself to read by copying the children
from the nearby school. Again, Prior uses as his focus experiences
shared by all.
I had to check the Internet to see when the other titles in this series
were first published and was surprised to see they were released
between 1979 and 1992. They seem to have been part of library
collections for as long as I can remember. I now suspect, however, that
I first saw them whilst studying Children's Literature at Teacher's
College and they must have been quite new. The simplistic shape of the
character Grug seems so familiar and distinctly reminiscent of the
Australian bush and May Gibbs' Gum nut babies. Despite the simplicity
of the stories, these books continue to be a favourite of many children
and I cannot help but love having had the opportunity to re-visit the
Jo Schenkel