Growing up Aboriginal in Australia edited by Anita Heiss

Black Inc, 2018. ISBN 9781863959810
(Age: 14+) Highly recommended.
This is a collection of short stories that can easily be picked up
and read whenever there is a spare moment - they are life stories
drawn from around Australia, from different walks of life, but all
with a heart-felt story to share about what it is like to grow up
Aboriginal in Australia. There are stories from people you will
probably recognise - Deborah Cheetham, Adam Goodes, Miranda Tapsell,
as well as stories from 'ordinary' people not encountered before. Some
titles may draw you in - 'This is Nat, she's Abo', 'White bread
dreaming', 'Black bum', 'Nobody puts Baby Spice in a corner' -
but each story selected brings its reward, a deeper
understanding of personal experiences, often extreme hardships and
suffering, but also of strong family connections, love and good
humour. Somehow despite the hardships, the voices of these writers
have a strength and resilience that draws respect and empathy. There
are sad stories though, of people lost, but they are still
remembered with love as special people not to be forgotten. All in
all, it is a wonderful collection of inspiring stories of people who
have survived adversity and kept their spirit.
I recommend this book for every school library.
Helen Eddy