Greek Myths by Jean Menzies

Illus. by Katie Ponder. Dorling Kindersley, 2020. ISBN:
9780241397459. 160pp.
(Ages: 8 - 12) Recommended. Greek Myths is a beautifully
presented, simply written, thorough compendium. Although it is
non-fiction, with an index, it helps to begin reading it from the
beginning. In this way you understand how Gaia created the world and
then subsequent Olympian Gods and Goddesses such as Zeus, Hera,
Hades and Poseidon came to be. This section is followed by nine
myths of Gods and Humans such as the myth of Pandora's Jar. Nine
well known tales of heroes such as Jason and the Argonauts follow.
There's much treachery, trickery and violence amongst the Gods and
you realize the extent to which we refer to these characters and
tales in everyday life, e.g. The Trojan War, Icarus and Midas.
Throughout these sections are single fact pages devoted to each of
the main Gods and Goddesses. This helps the reader consolidate who
is who. A reference section has further useful pages explaining how
we know about this Ancient History, more information about mythical
creatures and monsters and how the Greek names were used to name
planets, animals and plants. There is a particularly useful
pronunciation guide as well.
Katie Ponder's many digitally created illustrations are well suited
to the myths. The whole design of the book, with quality buff paper
in a large hard covered volume, is very appealing. This book will be
useful in schools where Ancient History is part of the Australian
Curriculum in the middle years. It will also be of interest to young
readers who love books like Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson
series. There have been many anthologies of Greek Myths over the
years but I think the design, large font and easy to read style will
help connect these myths with today's audience.
Jo Marshall