Grandma, the baby and me by Emma Allen

Ill. by Hannah Sommerville. Scholastic, 2014. ISBN 9781862918733
(Age: 4+) Siblings, Babies, Grandparents. The confusion of an older
sibling at the introduction of a new baby into a household is given
a fresh approach in this story. Henry's grandmother has warned there
will be trouble and it follows like night follows day. The baby
screams and takes up his parents' time. When Mum has put out the
washing, it rains so that Henry's favourite dinosaur pyjamas are too
wet to wear, so he must wear his sister's frilly pink ones. This
embarrassment is compounded when she shows their friends what Henry
had worn. When Henry splashes in the bath he is told he is splashing
the baby, when he accidentally pushes Fergus, he goes to his room
but has a pain in this tummy. All is relieved when Grandam arrives
the next day to hug him.
This is a sympathetic story of the changes afoot in a family when a
baby arrives. Each of the subdued illustrations shows the family in
some sort of disarray as the baby's presence upsets the normal
routine. The wash of pale watercolour within the soft pencil
outlines gives a gentleness to the illustrations that engages the
reader in seeing the intrusion of the baby from Henry's point of
view and we are pleased with him when Grandma arrives to save
Henry's day.
Fran Knight