Gracie and Josh by Susanne Gervay

Ill. by Serena Geddes. Ford Street Publishing, 2013.
Hardcover. ISBN 9781 9216 65844.
(Ages 5+) Well recommended. Written by award winning author Susanne
Gervay, and with an endorsement from Variety, this book is a must
have for any children's collection, be it school or public library.
This is the touching, funny, honest and heartwarming story of
brother and sister, Gracie and Josh. Josh is a movie maker, and
Gracie is his shining star - she is the Incy Wincy Spider, and Josh
helps her costume along by making fat black sausage legs. Josh and
Gracie are making a movie together -a story which features many of
the people in their day to day world - a movie which brings people
together, and makes them laugh, and celebrates the day to day
moments which were often too busy to stop and celebrate.
It's especially important for Gracie and Josh to celebrate these
little moments, because Josh is sick. Josh is so sick, he spends a
lot of time in hospital, has weeks where Gracie can't come close,
and so sick that his hair has all gone. Gracie is a staunch defender
of Josh, getting cross with the doctors who make Josh take his
beanie off, and cross with the sickness which keeps Josh away. Josh
is stoic and strong, and there for Gracie, except in his bad weeks.
In his bad weeks, Gracie is there for Josh, reminding him that the
spider fell down 6 times, but he didn't give up - you just have to
try, try, try again.
Supported by bright, colourful and honest illustrations, this book
comes well recommended.
Freya Lucas