Goodnight stories for rebel girls by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo

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Penguin, 2016. ISBN 9780141986005
(Ages: 5 - Adult) Highly recommended. 100 inspirational women from around the world are featured in this collection of bedtime stories. Each woman's story is a double page spread in the book. On one side is a beautiful illustration of the woman featuring a quote they said which is encouraging or inspirational. The other page contains brief biographic information and a simple story about the woman's life. A diverse range of women are featured, who have an empowering story, a journey to overcome adversity and who have become successful in their field of art, music, science, mathematics, literature, sport, fashion and politics. Many of the women overcame obstacles and the message of the book is that women can achieve anything they want to if they are determined to do it.
This is not a non-fiction book, but rather considered by the authors as a work of 'creative non-fiction' as it is written in a fairytale style and does not contain an encyclopedic account of events. 60 female artists from around the world drew the portraits featured in the book and the range of colourful and unique illustration styles are thought provoking and add another element to the book's presentation. At the back of the book there is a blank double page, inviting the reader to write and draw their own story.
This is a heartwarming book for all ages, and for boys as well as girls, to share in the stories of women who have lived adventurous lives.
Pamela Edwards