Good night sleep tight by Mem Fox

Ill. by Judy Horaeck. Scholastic Australia 2012. ISBN: 978174283579.
(Age 3-6) Recommended. Another wonderful offering from the creative hive that is Mem Fox and Judy Horaeck, very much in the illustrative style of Where is the Green Sheep?.
According to Fox, this book is a reproduction of something she produced in 1988, based on some information she had heard, that children who come to school knowing 6 Nursery Rhymes are usually in the top reading group by age 8 - so she wrote a book weaving in 7, factoring in one extra, for good luck.
The book features two young ones, Bonnie and Ben, and their male babysitter, Skinny Doug. This was so refreshing to see, all too often, aside from the token 'Dads are AWESOME' style books, much of the picture book world of young children is animals, children and mothers. Having a male care giver was a refreshing change - especially to the young test audience I read this with, who very much enjoys having male carers, both at home and in out of school hours care.
The structure of the book is simple - Skinny Doug spouts a series of rhymes at bedtime for Bonnie and Ben, who greet each offering with 'We love it! We love it!' 'How does it go? Will you say it again?', to which Skinny Doug responds 'Some other time - but I'll tell you another I heard from my mother.'
This is a book which is ideal for those aged 3 - 6, and would be a valuable addition to any home or school library.
Freya Lucas