Good Morning Possum by Coral Vass

Ill. by Sona Babajanyan. Koala Books, 2013. ISBN
Good Morning Possum follows on from the first book Good Night Possum
published in 2011 by Koala Books. Once again Blossom Possum's
friends from Ironbark Creek prevail upon her good manners whilst
forgetting theirs.
Blossom Possum finds a juicy plum for breakfast but her friends are
soon out on the branch adjacent her hollow hoping to share. Whilst
they are all polite in asking it is soon obvious that Possum will go
hungry, as Tree Mouse, Galah, Lizard and Fruit Bat make short work
of the plum. Whilst Possum is happy to share she is not foolish
enough to answer Dingo, who she suspects is interested in eating
more than the plum. Fortunately Grandma arrives later with a basket
of plums so Blossom at last has enough to eat and share.
The repetitive rhyme as each animal arrives, asks to share and is
granted 'just a wee bite' is ideal for the younger readers to share
in reading especially with the highlighted 'rum, rumble, tum' and
'ratter, tap, tap' lines to join in with. As each animal has their
share, the sounds of them moving and eating are also highlighted
building to the point where the plum is all gone.
The use of onomatopoeia could lead to a discussion of other
similar words whilst the discerning parent or teacher will more
likely focus on the themes of politeness and sharing.
Sue Keane