Good Morning Mr. Pancakes by Chris McKimmie

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Allen and Unwin, 2011. ISBN 978 1 74237 719 3.
(Age: 5-8) Bee is excited to be going on a holiday. Then she realizes that there are many things to do before she can leave for her holiday.
Bee is the central character who lists important jobs to do before going on holiday. Pets need housing and looking after while she is gone and certain loved items need to stay home. She realizes that she can't take everything with her. Bee likes the idea of getting out of routine such as no ballet classes to go to and no homework for a week! Bee is so excited that her imagination takes over as she dreams of what wonderful and exciting things she'll do.
Bee knows that her holiday will end and that she will have to go back to her routine of dance classes and school.
A lovely and imaginative picture book with colourful illustrations that 5-8 year olds will enjoy reading.
Janet Cassidy