Goldilocks and the three bears by Sue DeGennaro

Scholastic, 2019. ISBN: 9781743815878.
(Age: 3+) Highly recommended. Themes: Goldilocks (retelling), Bears,
Fairy tale. Using watercolour and pencil, DeGennaro creates a
charming series of images of Goldilocks as she takes over the Bears'
house while they are away. The quizzical looks on the faces of the
three bears remind us that Goldilocks is an interloper, taking
liberties in someone else's house. The Goldilocks story has
always held my interest, neither a cautionary tale or fairy tale, it
was collected by Robert Southey an English poet in the early
nineteenth century, adapted from an oral tale. Initially the story
was more cautionary in its nature, having an old, dirty, ugly and
foul mouthed crone as the interloper, who runs away and is never
seen again after being disturbed by the bears.
But in this more well known version, Goldilocks enters the house
while the bears are away waiting for their porridge to cool. The
number three figures prominently as the girl tries the three bowls
of porridge, the three chairs and finally the three beds. When the
three bears return she is surprised by them and runs away, never to
return to their house.
An interesting time could be spent using DeGennaro's version of Goldilocks,
comparing it with other versions in your school library (and there
are quite a few), and then using the Internet to find some original
Children could be shown the idea of a cautionary tale, using the Goldilocks
story as well as many other tales, particularly from the Grimm
brothers, which warn children of the perils of their behaviour.
This is a strongly bound and inviting production crying out to be
included in the library collection.
Fran Knight