Goldilocks and the three bears by Emma Chichester Clark

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Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 978 1 4063 3075 5.
(Ages 5+) Picture book. Nursery tale. This retelling of an old favourite Nursery Story, with the overlay of a moral tale, is given another outing in this new version by Emma Chichester Clark. Everyone knows the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, but this one has a few tweeks to give it some difference to the other versions. The moral at the end, for example, is given more stress, as we see Goldilocks hiding under her bed, vowing never to poke her nose into other people's houses again.
And Clark's illustrations too, gives the retelling of the Goldilocks story a different look, so Goldilocks' hair stands on end when found by the bears, and as they watch her running away, they laugh together.
Readers coming to this story will love the small changes and be able to compare it with other versions they have read. They will also delight in the plethora of things to look for and find in the Bears' house. It will be well used as a book in its own right, but also one to compare and contrast with other versions.
Fran Knight