Golden in death by J.D. Robb

In death book 50. Piaktus, 2020. ISBN: 9780349422084. 387pp.
(Age; Adult) Recommended. Fans of J.D. Robb's In death
series have been following the investigations of super cop Eve
Dallas and her gorgeous husband Roarke since the first book, Naked
in death, came out in 1995 and they have never been
disappointed. Robb manages each time to detail a completely
different case for Eve to investigate and Golden in death is no
exception. This time a gift box containing a golden egg is received
by much loved paediatrician Kent Abner and when he opens it is
overcome by the fumes of a deadly toxin. Eve is
quickly on the search for the killer but it is not until another
victim dies the same way that it is clear that something must
connect the two.
Like others in the series Golden in death was hard to put
down. Dallas's investigation leads her well into the past to find a
link that seems obscure at first, but delving deep into the
characters and events of that time, brings up clues to who is the
murderer. Fans will enjoy the timeliness of the fumes of a toxin
killing someone and other current issues (no spoilers here!) also
will appeal.
It was good to see the ever popular sidekick, Peabody, growing into
her role as detective and coming up with pertinent and helpful
suggestions, as she and Dallas interview suspects and research
backgrounds. The police procedures were fascinating and the in-depth
characterisations of the victims and the suspects very satisfying.
Not to mention the ever present love story of Eve and Roarke.
I have to say that Golden in death is a favourite amongst
the others that I have read recently.
Pat Pledger