Glister: The Faerie Host by Andi Watson

Walker Books, 2010. ISBN: 9781406320503. Recommended for ages 9 and up. Glister Butterfield's father loves Christmas and begins his preparations months in advance, with Glister feeling less and less enthusiastic each year. Following the arrival of a letter from the Council, outlining the new changes to the boundary of Faerie land, we realise that all is not well in our fearless, fun loving protagonist's life. The reader is introduced to the story of a 'missing mother' and the heart ache which has beset Glister and her father since her disappearance. Suddenly, Glister begins receiving visits from her mother who had disappeared many years earlier. Janet Butterworth appears as an image in Glister's dressing table mirror. This time, when her mother leaves, Glister follows her to try and find a way to have her return home permanently. Thus begin her adventures as she enters into the land of Faerie to retrieve the one person who can truly make Christmas a special time for her again. Watson again introduces a different aspect to the setting and a whole raft of slightly sinister new characters. They help keep the reader hoping for the best possible outcome for Glister, the brave but tragic heroine, as she fights to save her mother. I have just re-read my review of the first two titles in the series and still hold with my earlier comment: 'Given the amusing characters and entertaining storyline, this series should work well for children who, although more mature readers, are looking for more depth of plot without ploughing through dense amounts of text.' The wonderful cartoon style illustrations, with a hint of Manga and the contrast of traditional corn dollies thrown in, add to the mood and supplement and balance the story perfectly. This title certainly seems to hold more depth than its predecessors and is my favourite to date. Jo Schenkel, Pilgrim School