Glenn Maxwell: State Showdown and World Domination by Patrick Loughlin

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Random House, 2015. ISBN 9780857988881
(Age: 9+) Highly recommended. Glenn Maxwell: State Showdown and World Domination is two books in one and both books are about cricket. In State Showdown, the main character is Will, an up and coming Victorian cricket star who has made it to the Youth Team. He is very skilled and very confident. He is very supportive of all his team mates but his constant reminding of how to play better cricket is not going down well with his team. Will his confidence be his downfall? Can Will learn from his team instead of trying to tell them how to play? In World Domination, Will makes it to the Australian Youth team and is off to compete in England. The team is made up of players Will has played against before so relationships aren't great and when he is made captain of the team these issues become more real. Can the players all learn to get along and become a winning team or will their rivalry turn them into enemies instead?
Glenn Maxwell: State Showdown and World Domination is highly recommended to cricket fans aged 9+. They will love the cricket talk and the cricket action. The stories move quickly though short chapters and the books themselves are approximately 100 pages long with a good sized font supporting them as an easy read. It is a great book for readers who are just starting to read novels.
Kylie Kempster