Girl in pieces by Kathleen Glasgow

HarperCollins, 2016. ISBN 9781460751053
(Age: 15+) Recommended for mature readers. Charlie is really messed
up. But so is everyone at Creeley, the health facility for girls who
self-harm. Part One of Girl in Pieces chronicles their
despair fuelled by anxiety or abuse of one kind or another.
Charlotte (Charlie) is dealing with loss of her father in childhood
and more recently, her best friend.
In Part Two, Charlie is thrust back into the tenuous reality of the
outside world. She is not ready but both she and her counsellor,
Casper, have prepared some strategies to avoid self-harm. Mickey,
her childhood sweetheart, reaches out to her with a bus ticket and a
new start interstate. Inevitably, Charlie's attraction to Riley, a
musician and addict working with her in a coffee shop, can only lead
to one thing.
The author, who has a history of self-harm, takes us on a journey of
gradual understanding. Glasgow's insights into the thoughts of those
who self-harm are palpable and full of wisdom. We come to know
Charlie's own triggers for cutting and the horrific physiological
consequences of cyclical self-loathing. The use of flashbacks
confirm that she blames herself for attracting catastrophe.
Life keeps disappointing Charlie but in Part Three, the inclusion of
her sketches in a local art show gives us hope that she can
ultimately find peace in a world in which she has never felt
welcome. The abiding message of this confronting First Person tome,
is that you are not alone. You can choose self-annihilation of one
kind or another and there'll be no shortage of company - or you can
keep trying. Girl in Pieces provides insightful explanations
for addiction of any kind, but the sub-text is the importance of
mentors, artfully achieved from very well fleshed out and equally
flawed but resilient characters.
Deb Robins