Girl detached by Manuela Salvi

Barrington Stoke, 2016. ISBN 9781911370024
(Age: 15+) Recommended. Sexual content. Fiction. Romance.
Tragedy. Teenage. The book, Girl detached, falls under the
umbrella of romance and tragedy. Aleksandra (Alek) is a teenage girl
with a bad stutter. Living under the roof of her grandmother after
her mother abandoned her at a young age, Alek became a victim of her
Grandmother's strict discipline and protection in order to avoid
making the mistakes her mother made. The book details her story
after her grandmother's sudden death, when Alek is forced to move
yet again, back to where her life started. Living with her mother,
stepfather and half-brother, she struggles to find ground in her
new 'home'.
Although this book employs some very overused themes such as
romance and tragedy, it also stands out on its own. The author's
brave actions bring light to very real and serious themes that exist
for the target audience and is nothing short of commendable.
Although the book is difficult to get into and consists of raw
content, it becomes easier to read throughout the duration of the
book. The writing style is concise and vivid, allowing the reader to
become easily drawn into the reality of each scene. As a result of
this, the themes and the unfolding story resonate on a deeper level.
The book is a cautionary tale for members of the 'love is blind'
club. The morally questionable and often wrongfully considered
actions of the characters, highlights what happens as a result of
certain privileges being granted to young adults.
Overall, the raw components and educational value of the book is
what won it for me. The consistent character development and the
brutal ending also tied this book up perfectly.
Ethan Russell (Student)