Ghost Club: The New Kid by Deborah Abela

Random House Australia, 2012. ISBN 978 1 74275 080 4.
(Ages: 8-12) 'Who ya gonna call?' Ghost Club. Like the 80's film
Ghostbusters, Ghost Club is called in to deal with pesky and
downright dangerous ghosts. Young Angeline and Edgar are two
of the best ghost catchers the club has and we follow them on a
variety of ghostly pursuits. Competent and well equipped with many
ghost busting gadgets, the brother and sister duo deal with
frightening spectres with calm and aplomb.
As the title suggests, a new kid named Dylan joins the Ghost Club
and is teamed up with Angeline and Edgar. Dylan does not show
the excitement or fearlessness the other long term members have and
he (as would I) is horrified and fearful of the ghostly activities
around him.
This is a fun, ghostly romp with a mystery to solve at Castle
Koszmar, where a very angry ghostly figure is causing havoc. It
seems ghosts have feelings too you know!
There are a variety of bizarre and entertaining characters in this
novel and to add to the drama the children are being secretly filmed
and watched by a disapproving eye.
This is a slightly spooky read for 8 to 12 year olds and students
who have enjoyed the novel will be happy to know there is another
book on the way.
Jane Moore