Get in trouble by Kelly Link

Text, 2015. ISBN 9781922182630
(Age: 16+) Recommended. Short stories. 'Be bold, be bold. But not
too bold - lest that your heart's blood should run cold.'
This book is an Indies Choice Book of the Year Finalist for 2016.
You will need to be bold to encounter the nine short stories
included here for the reader to enjoy. The writing is captivating
and the stories are weird, engrossing, surprising and at times
alarming or disturbing.
These stories encompass a range of characters that include: a young
girl, a middle-aged movie star, a spoiled birthday girl, astronauts,
evil twins, bootleggers, The Wizard of Oz and superheroes.
Some of the stories require the reader to really slow down and
collect all the clues in the writing for there to be real
understanding and appreciation of the intricacies in the telling.
The stories unfold in a dreamlike stream of consciousness where the
connections seem logical in that space and time but, at the end of
the story, the reader marvels at the creativity and imagination that
created the journey to an unexpected destination.
The Summer People is a compelling first story in this
collection. It has teenage Fran caring for the 'summer people'.
These people are holiday makers that visit for the summer. There are
also 'summer people' to look after and they are always at home. This
story is a cautionary tale of the dangers of making agreements with
While these are short stories, they are for sophisticated readers
able to suspend belief and enjoy the ride.
Linda Guthrie