Georgina: Holocaust memoirs by Gabriella Kovac

Recommended for those who enjoy 20th Century history. Themes: Jewish
History; Migrants; Hungary - 20th Century; War history. Family
memoirs are not always interesting for people outside the family
circle, but this is an intriguing and fascinating account of the
family and social history of a Hungarian family who demonstrated the
most amazing resilience and survival through torrid periods of
European history. Gabriella Kovac relates the circumstances for her
Jewish forbears through periods of great torment, but also reveals
that their survival was partly related to luck, but also their
incredible bravery and forthright approach to all difficulties. An
incredible amount of fortunate coincidences enabled them to use
their natural talents for business to be successful when many around
them faced death. Georgina, the mother of the author, personified
confidence in the face of the horrors of war and Jewish opposition,
and her ability to turn even the most dreadful of situations to her
advantage almost seem unbelievable, yet this is the story of a
survivor whose incredible personality seemed to create opportunities
where others would have floundered. For students of war
history with an interest in the Holocaust experiences of Jewish
individuals or an interest in Hungarian society during the first
half of the Twentieth Century, this book is a snapshot through the
lens of one family. The circumstances of those who migrated to
Australia are thought-provoking for anyone who is interested in this
part of our own history.
Carolyn Hull