Gastronauts by James Foley

S. Tinker Inc. book 3. Fremantle Press, 2018. ISBN
(Age: 7-9) Themes: Brothers and Sisters, Robots, Inventions. Sally
Tinker "the world's foremost inventor under the age of twelve"
returns for another improbable venture in Gastronauts. James
Foley's graphic novel takes us into uncharted territory, and this is
perhaps Sally and her friend Charli's most disgusting journey to
Sally's previous inventions include the Resizenator which
unfortunately "embiggenated" Dougie the dung beetle. Sally's newest
invention is the smartCHIP which Charli suggests could minimise
carbon dioxide emissions and reduce global warming, or shrink the
world's rubbish to minimise pollution. She's also created the
SMARTBOT designed to install, maintain and protect the chips. When
her baby brother Joe accidentally swallows a test-tube filled with
the tiny brain-enhancing little nanobots, Sally and Charlie must
save the day. Imagine a superbaby with super powers wreaking havoc!
Sally and Charlie travel in the Sub with its onboard Resizenator
inside Joe's body to stop him becoming a superbaby. Straight into
Joe's stomach where undigested strawberries and a shrunken rubber
ducky and boat float by. Unfortunately, Sally's super-tight security
means there is no remote control to stop the smartbots installing
the smartCHIP in the baby's brain.
While Ms Tinker Sally's Nan looks after Joe, the girls travel in the
Sub through his intestines and finally up to his brain. Joe's
superpowers become evident after he's eaten his Nan's prunes, he's
jet-propelled around the neighbourhood by his farts. How do Sally
and Charlie save the day?
James Foley's unique characters, crazy situations and unusual
adventures engage the young reader. His cartoons capture the
grossness of the girl's journey and of course their special re-entry
into the real world. Scientific experiments and inventions underpin
this humourous story and the key themes of family, being responsible
and supportive friendships are included.
Rhyllis Bignell