Gamerunner by B.R. Collins

Bloomsbury, 2011. ISBN 978 1 4088 0648 7.
Rick is a Gamerunner. Daed is his guardian from the corporation,
Crater. Rick's job? To test The Maze for bugs and glitches. This
game is much more than normal games. Physically you become
your avatar in The Maze. You run, fight and loot, all the while
avoiding deadly traps. Rick's life is The Maze. When Rick
accidentally finishes the game, Daed and Rick are faced with being
thrown out into the world with acid rain and gang's right out the
door. Rick has to work hard to stay.
The storyline is well written but I felt it was lacking something to
lighten the mood at times. There was little hope through the story.
Rick and Daed's relationship seems odd but Daed seems committed to
keeping Rick safe but Daed doesn't seem to mind that Rick suffers in
the process. I was shocked when the only character who shows some
compassion meets an untimely end halfway in the book. I found it
hard to get into but I eventually got into the book somewhat. I
found it hard to follow the emotions of the characters. Overall I
found the book all right but a bit hard to get into at the
Cecilia Richards (Student)