Game time by Anh Do and Dan McGuiness

Hot Dog series. Scholastic, 2018, ISBN 9781760279035
(Age: 5-8) Themes: Dogs. Friends. Sportsmanship. Anh Do's popular Hot
Dog series returns with another exciting story Game time.
Comedian, artist and storyteller Anh Do's story is a tale of being a
good friend and is filled with jokes, humourous larks and silly
Kevin's mother is a doctor who lives and works helping sick animals
on faraway Rainbow Island. Kevin really misses her, so his friends
try to lift his spirits. They cook his favourite foods and even
dress up as a donut and hot dog, but nothing works. When they visit
the park there's a poster announcing a Game Day competition with the
winners receiving a trip to Rainbow Island. The trio work together;
they need skill, speed and strength to compete in a series of games
and win the first prize. They're up against some tough competition:
a fierce team of bulldogs, Team Bulldog; Team Mud-Pie, three
mud-loving pigs; and Team Ocean, three sporty penguins. Hot Dog's
entered in the Long Jump and Archery, and he spends his time
leapfrogging and shooting arrows at apples held by Kevin. Lizzie
practises her judo moves on poor Kevin and improves her rowing
skills by speedily escaping from a menacing shark. Kev creatively
hones his skills in preparation for the Weightlifting, Javelin and
Finally, it is Game Day, and the three friends are prepared and
ready to do their best. Each game is uniquely challenging and
provide plenty of spills and thrills. Lizzie twists her giraffe
opponent into a knot in the judo and bravely battles a tiny crab to
win her event. Kevin, Lizzie and Hot Dog each choose good
sportsmanship over winning and these qualities help them in the end.
Just right for young readers, Game time is attractively
presented with a flamboyant fluoro orange bright designs, bold
accents and engaging text styles and sizes. Dan McGuiness' humorous
cartoons showcase Hot Dog and his friends, Kevin the cat's sporty
outfits and Lizzie the Lizard's silly antics, sports skills and
friendly rivalry.
Rhyllis Bignell