Funny Bones ed. by Oliver Phommavanh, Kate Temple and Jol Temple

Allen and Unwin, 2019. ISBN: 9781760524333.
(Age: 5+) Highly recommended. Funny Bones is one of the best
compilations of stories I have read in a really long time!
It has 'over 100 stories for kids from Australia's bestselling
authors, illustrators and funny people', and does not disappoint. It
is a huge book, which could be quite overwhelming to some readers
but upon opening and flicking through it is quickly evident that
this book is filled with an array of stories of all different
lengths. Some are just text (but only a few pages long), some have
small funny pictures and some are humorous cartoons!
The book has been edited by Kate and Joel Temple and Oliver
Phommavanh, and is so clever in the order of stories, poems, and
cartoons through out the book. My 9 year old son and I read this
book, and we loved the different text types and didn't feel the need
or want to flick past stories to find something else.
The authors who contributed to this book are some of Australia's
finest, including Andy Griffiths, Zoe Foster-Blake, Terry Denton,
Sally Rippin, Josh Pyke and Madeline West. Readers are going to be
very familiar with lots of the names, drawing them into the text
with familiarity and then they will certainly have trouble putting
it down after they begin reading all the hilarious tales.
The stories are all very funny, lots were even laugh out loud
material! There is toilet humour, funny poetry, hilarious cartoons
and scary stories. We particularly liked 'Punbelievable or: a series
of punfortunate events' by Fiona Katauskas (who doesn't love a
pun!), 'Disgusting Things' by Josh Pyke (a poem fit for the
stinkiest of children!), and 'Dr William's big, bad Dad joke word
search' by Sean Williams (which is really a word search with answers
completing all the terrible Dad jokes).
I could go on and on about our favourites but truely we really did
enjoy all of the stories. This book would suit an 8-9 year old
reader as it has a range of text types that require a higher level
of comprehension knowledge, but children as young as 5 would find
many of the stories funny when read out loud by a parent or older
sibling. We give this book 5 out 5 and think it would make an
awesome holiday book, or present for any fart-loving friend!!!
Lauren Fountain