From Space to Core: A journey to the centre of the Earth by Guy Holt

Wild Dog Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781742033792.
(Age: 6-12) With an incredibly wide scope, From Space to
Core covers information relating to human-made elements of the
earth, atmospheric conditions, geology, flora, fauna and marine
life. It is organised using a distance scale, starting on page one
in the upper regions of Earth's atmosphere before travelling down
beneath the Earth's surface to the centre of the planet. At 408km
above sea level is the International Space Station, accompanied by a
photograph and a snapshot of information (launch date, crew, speed,
etc.). Then follows various space missions and information about the
different layers of the Earth's atmosphere and what is comprised of.
As we move closer to Earth we see the highest balloon flight,
freefall jumps and aircraft, high-flying birds and mountains. And so
continues through highest city, low-level clouds, deepest scuba
diver, deep-sea marine creatures, shipwrecks and submarines.
Extra information is also given about the layers of the ocean and
the Earth.
One of the most interesting aspects of this layout is how it shows
the intersection between natural features and animals and human
endeavour. Temperatures relevant to elevation are also a good
addition along the side of each page, as are the names of the areas
(troposphere, sunlight zone, midnight zone, trenches). This is a
very visual and meaningful representation of the vastness of space
and the Earth and what has and is happening at each level. It
cleverly captures and holds attention with short bites of
interesting information, a selective approach about what to include,
an uncluttered layout and dynamic photographs. Complex information
is made easily accessible for younger readers, making it appealing
to both science and non-science lovers as well as competent and
reluctant readers. Themes: Non-Fiction, Earth Sciences.
Nicole Nelson