Freedom swimmer by Wai Chim

Allen & Unwin, 2016. ISBN 9781760113414
(Age: Lower secondary - Adult) This is an absorbing tale, based on
the life of the author's father, himself a freedom swimmer who
eventually entered the USA as a refugee.
All ages will appreciate this story of Ming, a shy teenager, reviled
by other villagers in the China of Mao Tse-tung because his father
was considered a traitor. Ming's father had been shot while trying
to escape the life of starvation and poverty common during the
period called Three Years of National Disasters.
He befriends, Fei, a young girl whose circumstances are equally
When teenage members of the Red Army are relocated from the city to
the village in 1968, Ming gets to know one of them, Li, and despite
the differences between them, they spend time in each other's
company and Ming teaches Li how to swim.
It is a time of expected devotion to the teaching of Mao and those
who are considered to be less devout to Mao's cause can be denounced
and punished. When Li's father is branded a traitor, Li himself
comes under suspicion and is persecuted. He decides he must escape
and he and Ming plan to elude the guards and begin the dangerous
swim through the shark infested waters to Hong Kong.
The strength of friendship amongst Ming, Fei, Li and also Tien, is a
heart warming feature of this story and helps to balance the horror
and trauma experienced by many at this time in Chinese history. This
is a story which needed to be told and needs to be read.
Thelma Harvey