Freak Street : Meet the Supersons by Knife and Packer

Scholastic, Australia: 2012. ISBN 9781741699180.
Recommended for readers 8+, especially boys, who are interested in
illustrated, or graphic style, novels.
As a series Freak Street has appealed to those who are
attracted to something different . The vibrant colours of the cover
and illustrations are appealing and, with a mix of illustrated
novel and cartoon picture boxes throughout, this story continues to
introduce the families who live on Freak Street.
The Supersons join the Zoombiesons, Wizardsons, Aliensons,
Vampiresons and Humansons as residents of this unique street and are
introduced in this adventure. Each of the family of five has a super
power ranging from 'Tasty Transformer Power' for Mrs Superson to
'Bite Power' for baby Samson. Even the family pet, Captain Hamster,
is able to hover if not fly.
Grandpa Superson calls in the family for a refresher course to hone
their skills at Superhero School. Seth, the son, is only interested
in drawing comics and meeting his hero, Zane Gotham, comic creating
genius, who is due to appear at the City Comic Convention. With the
aid of Grandpa Superson and Seth's cartoon villain Principal
Clownman, the Supersons save the day from Zane and his real life
Ending with a set of morals of the story, albeit of a dubious and
humorous quality, this book will definitely be a favourite with
Freak Street fans and students who have an interest in creating
their own cartoons featuring their school Principal, or have visions
of world domination by bringing their cartoon creations to life.
Sue Keane