Fox: A circle of life story by Isabel Thomas

Illus. by Daniel Egneus. Bloomsbury, 2020. ISBN: 9781526600776.
(Age: 5+). Highly recommended. Fox is a thoughtfully written
factual picture book. The story begins and ends with the reader
being encouraged to look and listen closely. There is life stirring
in the shadows. The journey of the fox searching for food to feed
her young is written in short sharp sentences e.g. 'Rabbits nibble
fresh green shoots. Then freeze. Ears stiffen. Noses twitch. Fox
creeps, then leaps.' This simple text will appeal to younger readers
but also encourage the reader to look carefully at the clever
illustrations which further enhance the meaning of the story. It is
evident that the author has studied foxes and knows their traits as
she has described the movement of the adult fox and the way her cubs
play beautifully. She has cleverly introduced the reader to the
unfamiliar word of 'gekkering' which is to make a series of
stuttering throaty vocalizations in the manner of foxes when
encountering a rival. This story though is ultimately one about the
circle of life. The adult fox dies on the road, the cubs find their
way safely back to the den and the body of the fox decomposes in the
way nature intends it to. The death of the fox is sensitively
addressed and the author is quite honest in the description of what
happens to the body. At the completion of the story are important
facts about what happens when something dies. The illustrations by
Daniel Egneus seamlessly complement the text.
Fox is perfect for reading aloud in the classroom or sharing
at home. A welcome addition to both public and school libraries.
Themes: Foxes, Life Cycle, Factual picture book
Kathryn Beilby