Found: the art of recycling by Lisa Holzl

Walker Books Australia, 2012. ISBN 9781921720130.
Recommended. Reference. Art. Recycling. In this handbook introducing
students to various art styles of the twentieth century and
encouraging them to try them for themselves, the teacher will find
lots of information to share with their classes as well as hints
about how to encourage their students to try their hand at the
styles shown. The idea of recycling is given in its broadest sense
from the cover with many words which advance the idea of recycling,
to the pages inside showing just how many artists have gone about
their work. Using other medium for their work began in the early
1900's with Picasso using newspaper, Duchamp using a bicycle wheel,
while Hausman used part of a wooden model.
Each double page introduces one artist, and after a potted history
of the times, shows one of his or her works which reflects the idea
of using found objects. Picasso is the first represented. A brief
outline of his life and times follows, then an image of a painting
done in 1913 is shown, briefly discussed then set in its time. At
the bottom of the page is given an outline of an activity which
could be done in the classroom, emulating the work by that artist.
For people wanting more information there are references at the back
of the book to other books and websites.
Each of the artists represented here reflects a different style of
work done in the twentieth century, and range from Picasso at the
beginning to Fiona Hall and others born towards the end of the
century. A contents page is followed by a timeline of the major art
movements of the twentieth century from Cubism to Installation art,
and each artist represented fits one of these categories.
The whole is rounded off with a glossary, potted biographical notes
about each of the artists and a detailed index. This is a wonderful
teaching tool for primary classrooms and the look of the book,
presented as a scrapbook with torn paper, newspaper scraps and
sellotape, add to the interest the book will engender.
Fran Knight