Found by Salina Yoon

Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 9781408854402.
(Age: 0-4) Recommended. Bears, Lost things, Friendship. When Bear
finds a toy bunny in the woods, he is distraught that someone's
favourite toy has been lost and so does something about it. He
prepares a number of posters, and taking the toy rabbit with him,
pins them up far and wide. He places the poster on trees and notice
boards, looks down the river, and up on a tree, but all to no avail.
No one seems to have lost their toy bunny. All the while, Bear
becomes more and more attached to the little toy and wishes it was
his to keep.
They do everything together until one day a Moose calls out to them.
The toy's name is Flopsy and Moose had the toy when he was young.
Bear turns away disconsolate, but Moose calls out to him. And all is
This is a lovely story of friendship, of caring, of trying to find
the real owner, despite wanting to keep the toy yourself.
The bold illustrations by Yoon, remind the readers of her earlier
books about Penguin, all three of which contained similar themes,
friendship and togetherness. Her seemingly simple texts evoke basic
emotions, while her equally stylised illustrations with bold bright
colours are wonderful to look at and read.
Fran Knight