Forget Me Not: The Story of One Family's Voyage on the Titanic by Sue Lawson

Black Dog Books. ISBN: 9781742032108
(Ages: 14+) Recommended. This is a well plotted novel
that builds slowly to its inevitable climax focusing on two
fictional siblings, Thomas and Eve. Lawson surrounds them with a
mixture of other made-up and real people, all serving an important
purpose when the Titanic hits the iceberg. They are authentic
teens (daring and disobedient) and siblings (moody towards each
other, yet fiercely loyal), and their adventures capture the mood
and atmosphere of the unsinkable ship well.
There are a multitude of fascinating details, due to Thomas and his
new friend, Hugh's fondness for exploring beyond their social
status. Not only do they explore first-class (the gymnasium and the
Grand Staircase), but they also slip down to the Orlop deck where
the boiler rooms are. Lawson brings the vessel alive, and even
though there is a bitter sweetness to the constant reference to the
'unsinkable ship', there was also frustration at everyone's
arrogance and unshakeable faith in the design and build.
There are a few familiar contrivances here: A strict mother hiding
unbearable pain; the generous father over compensating for his
wife's inability to show warmth to her children; Helpful stewards
who turn a blind eye to the reckless behaviour, and the almost
psychic feelings of impending doom felt by Eve, all but ridiculed by
the adults. But in the end, these don't detract from the narrative,
which is engaging and meaningful.
A timely book, given the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the
Titanic, and a useful way to engage teenagers with this historical
event. Themes include family, women's place in society, societal
expectations, and historical studies.
Trisha Buckley