Forest of Bones by David Kennett

Omnibus, 2014. ISBN 9781862919884
(Age: 10+) Recommended. This is well-known illustrator, David
Kennett's, first graphic novel. It is set in 9CE and is based on the
defeat of the Roman Army in Teutoburg forest.
For those with a passion for history there is much to learn in this
realistic telling. It provides the reader with a clearer
understanding of the size and nature of the Roman Empire and its
army as it documents the campaign seasons and the effect the Romans
had on a conquered peoples. Their passion for order is no more
clearly expressed than by Ursus who worries that, 'sometime in his
future he would look up an find the night sky had been ordered in
the Roman way, its magical lights in neat rows and the moon a white
square.' p. 141
On the other side are the Germanic Cherusci people who cling to the
mythology of their past where they are capable of shape shifting and
worship the bones of bears hung in the forest trees.
For those who love a good story this book also has a lot to offer.
The action largely revolves around the friendship which develops
between Ursus, who has a deep seated hatred of the Romans and Canus,
'the dog boy' who is a slave to the Roman Governor, Vanus. Through
their shared love of animals the boys become friends and bond
strongly over their dual ownership of the wolf cub, Hercules. It is
through this friendship that Ursus discovers that 'things were never
straightforward the way his grandfather had promised they would be
if he just hated the Romans. They were like a forest that entangle
everything' p. 132 and 'spending time with the Romans and getting to
know them was dulling the blade of his hatred'. p. 151
The uneasy peace which pervades much of the story is spectacularly
disrupted when the Cherusci gather their forces to reclaim their
land. The resulting thrilling climax is a brutal, frenzied battle
which Kennett illustrates with evocative accuracy.
Barb Rye